Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Some More Tuesday Tidbits

So, 4th of July went well. Lots of fireworks and of course lots of drinking. Some faves from the weekend:

Summer Solstice Cerveza Crema

One of my new favorite beers. It jumped right into top 5 status and shows no signs of ever falling out. This review from Beeradvocate.com sums it up perfectly:

"the aroma is quite subtle with just some touches of tofee and caramel.
the taste is malty in the malt ball sense, with a soft cream soda type flavor and smooth nutty toffee/caramel hits you mid palate. after that a soft sweet lemongrass type of flavor develops. it's somewhat bready, but not in the typical yeasty sort of way. soft and supple, this beer nails creaminess."

Go buy some immediately! The only drawback is that it runs about $12 a six-pack (if you can find it).

Peach Pucker

The old staple came through for me again. It's not quite as sweet as Peach Schnapps and you can drink a ton of it without passing out.

The Mexican Slut

On the advice of some friends, I tried it with Tequila first THEN pickle juice and I must say it was not as good that way. If you need a refresher, check out The original Mexican Slut post to see how it's done.

A warning to my drunk snowman brothers:

Yes, it can happen to you!

Even Storm Troopers need to cut loose sometimes

Till next time!

1 comment:

Venice Beach John said...

Solid post.

Dig the pictures.

I'll have to try Summer Solstice Cerveza Crema this weekend. Never had it.