Friday, December 10, 2010

You like drinkin? Who the hell don't?

Sorry I've been away for so long. I was probably drunk.

So, as per status quo, here are a few funny pictures I found:


So, what have I been drinking lately?

Leopold Bros. Rocky Mountain Peach Whiskey

One word... AWESOME! This stuff is fantastic (a little pricey, but worth it). It is probably best as a sipping whiskey, although we have done our fair share of shots as well. It is probably the smoothest whiskey I've ever had the pleasure of imbibing. Go buy some. Leopold Bros. Website. They have other flavors like Blackberry, Apple and some others, but I haven't tried them yet.

Harlem Liqueur

Brought to market by the folks that bring you Ketel One Vodka (excellent vodka), Harlem is Nolet Spirit's attempt to compete with Jagermeister. Everyone knows I'm a huge Jager fan, so I feel bad saying anything nice about competition, but it's not bad. Harlem is 80 proof (to Jager's 70) and has a slightly harsher taste to it. As a shot, I still prefer ice-cold Jager, but I found (and most of my friends agreed) that Harlem tastes a little better with Red Bull than Jager. I still have a bottle of the stuff in my freezer and as I experiment more with it, I will post.

Well, that's all I have time for today, I will post again soon with more hidden (and not so hidden) treasures of the Alcohol World!