Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Nut Liquor? Yes please!
I was in the liquor store looking for something to give to an acquaintance as a birthday present. I knew that this acquaintance was a drinker, so a bottle of something in the $10-$20 range seemed like a pretty safe bet. My fiance told me to find something "fun".
So, I'm in the vodka aisle thinking "maybe I can find some obscure fun flavor of vodka". Seems reasonable, right? And there it was... the holy grail of "fun":
Nut Liquor - Peanut Butter Vodka!
I quickly imagined it to be all shock value. It would taste dreadful and the joke would be funny. I quickly grabbed a bottle and ran home to show the woman (Yes, I paid for it first). She was thrilled. We showed it to others, and they shared our thrill as well.
We put it in the freezer and the next day we were off to the Birthday party. We unveiled it and laughs were had all around. Mission accomplished! High five for the funny name and the obscure flavor combo.
Imagine my surprise when the birthday boy said "Let's open it up and try it." What? I hadn't planned that far in advance. Surely he was kidding, right? He must've known it was a joke, right? Of course, being a drunk and in charge of this blog, I relented VERY quickly...
OH MY SWEET PEANUT BUTTERY BLISS it was good! It was VERY good. It was everything I thought it wouldn't be. It was smooth, just sweet enough, and actually tasted like alcoholic peanut butter (without the medicine-y vodka aftertaste) . You could've knocked me over with a feather.
Now since then, we have bought more bottles and experimented. It is excellent as a sipping drink straight on the rocks and well as a chilled shot. We have come up with some shots like 2 parts Nut Liquor to 1 part Creme de Cacao is amazing (tastes like a peanut butter cup).
Now, go buy some and love yourself for it!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
What Have I been Drinking? Glad you asked...
#1 is Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey!
This stuff is amazing. It started out as a joke and turned into a staple almost overnight. I have two friends (well a friend and an in-law) who have made a tradition the last few years of getting each other a bottle of the most terrible sounding alcohol they can possibly find (The best so far has been Lava, a truly horrible alcoholic monstrosity). This year, my buddy found Fireball. Surely something as unusual sounding as Cinnamon Whiskey would be so horrible as to be beyond comprehension... Right? Not so much.
This stuff is AWESOME! There is at least 2 bottles of this stuff at every party we have these days and between me and my friends, we drink this stuff all the time. It is so smooth and has such a great flavor, we can't stay away. Imagine dropping an Atomic Fireball candy into a shot glass of the smoothest whiskey you've ever tasted. So good...
How do you drink it? Thanks for asking. We shoot it mostly (chilled please), but it is also great in Coke, Ginger ale and Sprite. That's really all we've tried it in, but if you have any suggestions, post them in the comments.
Since we discovered it many months ago, it has started showing up in a ton of bars and almost every liquor store we go to now carries it, so go pick yourself up some and "you're welcome"...
I'll save #2 for the next post...