Friday, May 29, 2009

When in Rome - A Guide to Bar Themes #1 (Irish Pubs)

Sushi Bar, Sports Tavern, etc... The purpose of this series of articles is to save people from making fatal mistakes in these specialized places of alcohol consumption. We've all seen it right? If you haven't, you might be a perpetrator. read on as we start with Irish Pubs! here is a picture of the Irish rover here in Denver, CO. It is one of my faves:

Irish Pub - I admit to being very partial towards the Irish Pub. I love the atmosphere, I love the culture and I love the alcohol. Please don't be the guy who orders a Corona or a Bud Light at an Irish Pub. What is preferable is any Irish Beer or liquor.

Common Irish Beers include: Guinness, Smithwick's, Murphy's, and Beamish. Though not really Irish (made by Coors), Killian's Irish Red is also acceptable. This list is not exhaustive as many Irish Pubs will feature several excellent (though not well known) Irish beers that are not listed above. If you can confirm it is Irish, it is acceptable.

Irish Liquors include, but are not limited to (see above): Jameson's, Bushmills, Tullamore Dew, Baliey's Irish Creme, and almost any Meade.

Also acceptable is any British or Scottish Beers and liquor (ie: Newcastle, Bass, Strongbow, and any type of Scotch). Basically, try to fit in. Don't get a Bud Light, try something new and different. Get out of you comfort zone. Trust me, people notice the guy sipping a Pina Colada at an Irish Pub. I'm just sayin'

Next in the series - Sports Bar

Visions of the Weekend...

So, I got an e-mail forwarded to me yesterday with a bunch of pictures of the worst hang-over moments imaginable. Some of them I found quite entertaining, some not so much, and some VERY NSFW. Since I post most of this blog from work, I have decided to leave out the NSFW ones (and some of the not funny ones) and post these warnings of the dreaded "next morning" here at Drink Dummy. So without further ado:

Sadly, these pictures do nothing to quell my thirst for a nice big glass of beer and a a half dozen shots. It's weird, because I myself have been in similar positions as the ones above, yet I shall not be denied! I have the next week off of work and I intend to make the most of it...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits and More Flasks

So, I'm at work, trying to find some inspiration to work and I cannot. It's the day after a long Memorial Day weekend and I just can't bring myself to concentrate, so I figure it's a good time for some alcohol related musings...

Not Your Father's Flasks (Revisited): I found the best way to sneak liquor onto the golf course (or at least to not look like an alcoholic on the golf course). I bring you the Kooler Klub Golf Club Flask

Holds 48 oz. of you favorite beverages. It's insulated for hot and cold drinks and is easy to clean. Buy it HERE.

Avid Bird Watcher (or just want to pretend you are)? Check out the Barnoculars Binocular Flask:

Holds 16 oz.(8 in each barrel) and can be bought HERE

It isn't often that I find a liquor that I really don't like, but I found one, Absinthe. Basically it tasted like someone soaked a whole box of Good and Plenty's (black licorice candy) in a bottle of Everclear for about a month. It was not good. Well, I guess that's not fair to say as I really think it might just not be good by itself. So, to make my peace with Absinthe, I will attempt to find some kind of use for it in the coming weeks and I will report back to you when I find a shot/cocktail recipe that makes good use of it's not-so-subtle licorice flavor.

My top 5 list of canned domestic beer (in order of cost-to-taste ratio):

1. PBR
2. Busch Light
3. Keystone Light
4. Coors (regular, not light)
5. Miller Light

Ok, I have to get some work done now... See you soon.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Long Time No See...

Hey there! I know, I know, I've been gone for an inexcusably long time. Well, I've decided to make a conscious effort to keep this blog up to date and relevant. Relevant to what you ask? I don't know. We'll have to figure that out as we go.

So what have I been up to? Well, drinking a lot as always of course. I've discovered some great stuff like white grape and raspberry flavored vodkas and Guinness' new 250 anniversary stout. I've also discovered some not so great stuff like corn whiskey (moonshine). For those of you who have not tried the Guinness 250 Stout, here are the details:

Guinness 250 Anniversary Draught
Alcohol: 5 percent by volume
Calories: 136.3 per 11.2 ounces
Brewing: Made with a double brew stream that combines two types of malts, ale and stout. Carbonated. Uses Guinness yeast, triple hops and roasted barley.
Pour: A one-part pour, at an angle.
Date: Launches in the U.S. April 24, in Australia and Singapore later.

Now, I personally think this stuff is top notch! I love it. It is a bit different from traditional Guinness as it is carbonated rather than nitrogenated like the original. Guinness is my all time favorite and the 250 is a close second. GO out and try it if you haven't yet as it's only around for a few more months.

Another great thing I've discovered is Fresca Peach Citrus (pictured below):

Combined with Peach schnapps or Peach Pucker, it is a dream come true! Go get some.

Well, I think my time is up, so I'll catch you again soon. I promise! Cheers.