Friday, February 25, 2011

Some of my favorite Alcohol inspired music videos

No list would be worth a damn without this Bare naked Ladies classic:

The Dropkick Murphy's know how to party it up right:

Against Me tears it up with "Pints of Guiness Make you Strong":

You may be noticing an Irish theme here with Flogging Molly:

Shifting gears here for a minute is John Anderson with "Straight Tequila Night":

Another big shift to Snoop Dog and "Gin and Juice":

Few songs inspire drunken rants like "One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer" by Mr. George Thorogood:

And what drinking list would end without "Closing Time" by SemiSonic? Not this one:

There you have it, my list of favorite Alcohol related music. Feel free to suggest your own in the comments and I'm sure I'll be posting more soon.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Beer Review: Young's Double Chocolate Stout

Hi all! Just to prove that I can still do a decent beer review, I was looking in my fridge last night for a review-worthy brew and what did I find? An old favorite: Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

We'll start with Presentation. In this case, I am reviewing a bottle poured into a pint glass. As you can tell from the picture above, it is very dark (effectively black) in appearance. It pours with a solid deep tan head that dissipates fairly quickly.

The smell was chocolate with a distinct coffee/espresso aroma. Some maltiness was also evident.

Taste was very smooth and creamy. Dominant chocolate flavors with a hint of coffee and malt. It had a very smooth finish and the chocolate flavors really came to life as it warmed slightly.

This is one of the most drinkable beers I've found. It is a stout (big time) so it may not be for everyone, but drinkers of Guinness have probably already discovered and fallen in love with this beer.

If you haven't tried it, go out now and buy some!


That's all for now!